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New Library Search has Arrived!

By Hope Houston

Today Bentley Library launched its new, cloud-based integrated library system (ILS) from ExLibris. The new Library Search provides a better user experience for finding print and electronic resources in one convenient search box.

Library Search can help you manage your research, too. When you sign into your library account you are able to:


New Library System Coming in June!

By Hope Houston

Bentley Library is pleased to announce a new integrated library system (ILS) coming this June. We are replacing our 16-year old online catalog and discovery platform with a new, cloud-based system from Ex Libris, called Alma/Primo. While Alma is the backbone of library operations, Primo is a cloud-based discovery service that’s designed to offer searching across the library’s catalog, subscription databases, and other digital collections through one interface.

Primo works seamlessly with Alma to offer you:


Downtime Alert! Catalog & Circulation Systems Offline January 3

By Lisa Curtin

Resolved 01/03/19 at 4:30pm: All library systems are now back online. Please let us know if you experience any problems. Thank you!

Update 01/03/19 at 3:30pm: We've run into a problem with this morning's migration. Access to the catalog is currently unavailable. We will continue to post updates here. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience!


Downtime Alert! Circulation & Catalog Systems Offline Fri. 11/9, 4-8am

By Lisa Curtin

Due to a necessary software upgrade, the library's catalog, Encore, Interlibrary Loan, reserves, and circulation systems will be unavailable on Friday, November 9th, between 4:00am-8:00am. You may still access our databases, ebooks, and streaming films during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Please contact the Reference Desk at or 781.891.2300 if you have any questions.


Downtime Alert! Circulation & Catalog Systems Offline Fri. 10/19, 4-8am

By Lisa Curtin

The upgrade that was initiated on Monday is scheduled to be completed this Friday, October 19, between 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. During this time the library's catalog, Encore, Interlibrary Loan, reserves, and circulation systems will be unavailable. You may still access our databases, ebooks, and streaming films. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and thank you for your patience. Please contact the Reference Desk at or 781.891.2300 if you have any questions.


Downtime Alert! Circulation & Catalog Systems Offline Mon. 10/15, 4-8am

By Lisa Curtin

Due to a necessary software upgrade, the library's catalog, Encore, Interlibrary Loan, reserves, and circulation systems will be unavailable on Monday, October 15, between 4:00am - 8:00am. You may still access our databases, ebooks, and streaming films during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Please contact the Reference Desk at or 781.891.2300 if you have any questions.


How Do I Find Books & Articles While Encore Is Down?

By Lisa Curtin

We are sorry to report that we are still experiencing intermittent problems with Encore (aka the search box on our home page).  As you know, Encore search is used to find books, DVDs and articles from some of the library's databases.  But did you know that when Encore is down you can easily find these things using other search tools and databases?


System Outage: Encore & Classic Catalog, Wednesday 10/16

By Lisa Curtin

[Update: Thursday, October 17, 2013 - All systems are online and all issues with Encore and the classic catalog have been resolved]


Alert: Encore Search Issues Affecting Library Catalog Searches

By Lisa Curtin

alert[Update - 1:42 p.m., October 4, 2013]: The "Encore" search feature has been fixed. You can once again use the search box on our homepage to search the library's catalog and article databases. The search box on the library's home page (a.k.a. "Encore") is not functioning properly. Searches performed using Encore fail to retrieve any items from the library's catalog, which includes books, DVDs, streaming films and eBooks.


Access Restored to Library Accounts

By Lisa Curtin
Access to all "My Library" accounts has been restored! You may now log-in to renew your items & place holds. ...
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