How Do I Find Books & Articles While Encore Is Down?
February 7, 2014
We are sorry to report that we are still experiencing intermittent problems with Encore (aka the search box on our home page). As you know, Encore search is used to find books, DVDs and articles from some of the library's databases. But did you know that when Encore is down you can easily find these things using other search tools and databases?
How do I find a book, DVD, streaming film, audiobook or eBook?
- Use the library's "Classic Catalog". There is a link to the Classic Catalog underneath the Encore search box on the library's home page.
How do I find articles or other research materials on a topic?
There are two ways to access the library's databases when you want to search for articles on a topic:
- When you know exactly which database you want to search (e.g. ABI Inform, Academic Search Premier, JSTOR, Mintel, etc.), select that database from the Databases A-Z page. There is a link to Databases A-Z underneath the Encore search box on the library's home page.
- If you want to choose from a list of databases in a topical/subject area (e.g. management, psychology, companies and industries, etc.), start at the Databases by Subject page. There is a link to Databases By Subject underneath the Encore search box on the library's home page.
How do I find an article when I know the title of the article and the name of the journal that the article appears in? (i.e. you have a citation)
If you know the title of article and the name of the journal, you can track down the article using the "Journal Finder":
- Go to the library's home page and click on the Journal Finder tab above the search box.
- Enter the title of the journal in the Journal Finder search box. The Journal Finder will tell you if the full-text is available, the database it can be found in, and the dates available.
- If the journal appears in one of the library's databases, click the link to go to that database. When you have landed in the database, you will usually have two options for finding the article:
- Use the database's search box to find the article. Use the title of the article or the author's name as search terms/phrase.
- Use the database's browse-by-date options to locate the article.
If you need help with anything listed above, just ask! To get help from a reference librarian please visit the Reference Desk, call 781.891.2300, email refdesk@bentley.edu, use our chat/IM widget, or text 781.990.2273. You can find the Reference Desk hours on the Ask a Librarian page.