Alert: Encore Search Issues Affecting Library Catalog Searches
October 4, 2013
[Update - 1:42 p.m., October 4, 2013]: The "Encore" search feature has been fixed. You can once again use the search box on our homepage to search the library's catalog and article databases. The search box on the library's home page (a.k.a. "Encore") is not functioning properly. Searches performed using Encore fail to retrieve any items from the library's catalog, which includes books, DVDs, streaming films and eBooks. Users needing to search for these library materials are advised to use the library's "Classic Catalog" at http://libcat.bentley.edu/. At this time, Encore can only be used to search and retrieve articles from the EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR, Project Muse, LexisNexis Academic and Factiva databases. We will update you when Encore has been fixed. If you have questions or need help, please contact the Reference Desk. We apologize for the inconvenience.