New Faculty Publications 2022-2023

This spring, the Bentley Library joins the Valente Center in celebrating Bentley faculty whose books are forthcoming or have been published over the past academic year.
...This spring, the Bentley Library joins the Valente Center in celebrating Bentley faculty whose books are forthcoming or have been published over the past academic year.
...Today Bentley Library launched its new, cloud-based integrated library system (ILS) from ExLibris. The new Library Search provides a better user experience for finding print and electronic resources in one convenient search box.
Library Search can help you manage your research, too. When you sign into your library account you are able to:
This spring, the Bentley Library joins the Valente Center in celebrating Bentley faculty whose books are forthcoming or have been published over the past academic year.
...Bentley Library is pleased to announce a new integrated library system (ILS) coming this June. We are replacing our 16-year old online catalog and discovery platform with a new, cloud-based system from Ex Libris, called Alma/Primo. While Alma is the backbone of library operations, Primo is a cloud-based discovery service that’s designed to offer searching across the library’s catalog, subscription databases, and other digital collections through one interface.
Primo works seamlessly with Alma to offer you:
This spring, the Bentley Library joins the Valente Center in celebrating Bentley faculty whose books are forthcoming or have been published over the past academic year.
...At a time when most academic work is moving online, it is important to ensure that quality research and resources are digitally available to the global scholarly community. To that end, the Bentley Library would like to remind faculty members that Scholars @ Bentley, the university’s institutional repository, is available to those who wish to share their work in an open-access, searchable database.