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Database of the Month

Database of the Month: Ad$pender

By Kimberly Morin


Ad$pender from Kantar Media is a web based tool that you can use to track spending on advertising by industry, company, brand or product. Ad$pender provides the current five years of national spending on internet, television, magazines, newspaper, radio and outdoor (billboard) channels. Data is accessed through customizable reports which are available to download as a spreadsheet or view in .pdf format. Questions you can answer using this resource include:


Database of the Month: IHS Connect (formerly IHS Global Insight)

By Stephen Tracey
ihsconnectFor a number of years the Bentley University Library has relied upon IHS Global Insight to provide us with comprehensive economic and country risk data.  Recently IHS has transitioned the content we received via Global Insight  into a new product, IHS Connect.  The IHS Country Profiles can now be found under the "geography" tab at the top of each IHS Connect page.  User can search for Country Reports based on geographic location for Africa, the Amer ...

Database of the Month: MLA Directory of Periodicals

By Macee Damon

Ah, summer ... sun, fun, time to think about writing and publishing! The MLA Directory of Periodicals, published by the Modern Language Association, is a great source for finding potential publishing opportunities in language and literature disciplines. MLA


Database of the Month: Doing Business Project from The World Bank

By Lisa Curtin



Database of the Month: ProQuest Psychology Journals

By Nicholas Albaugh

ProQuest Psychology Journals


Database of the Month: Gale Leisure Collections (InfoTrac)

By Hope Houston

InfoTrac has created a collection of databases suited to searching journal articles and reference book chapters on topics in culinary arts, gardening, landscape design, horticulture, hospitality, tourism and leisure.


Database of the Month: Value Line Investment Survey

By Kimberly Morin
VLLogo Value Line has been a reliable authority in unbiased financial information since 1931. The mission of Value Line is... ...

Database of the Month: Forrester Research

By Stephen Tracey



Database of the Month: Books & Authors

By Macee Damon



Database of the Month: Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)

By Colleen Mullally

Gale Virtual Reference Library

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