14 Days to Have Your Say!
Wednesday, October 10 - Tuesday, October 23
It's Time to Tell Us What’s on Your Mind.
October 11 marks the anniversary of the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in 1987, and every year since then, it has been celebrated as National Coming Out Day, and October more generally as Coming Out Month. We thought we'd take the opportunity to highlight just a small number of the library's many LGBTQ-related resources. A shout-out to Bentley PRIDE for reminding us of Coming Out Day, and contributing suggestions!
...Opening today is a new exhibit featuring artwork by three local artists who have collaborated on a unique interactive exhibit. Please scan the QR code below to learn more about the exhibit and artists Leah Craig, Joe Joe Orangias and Joanna Tam. All are invited to attend the opening reception on Wednesday, October 3, from 5:00PM-7:00PM.
...This year marks the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week, a week used to recognize our freedom to read and to call attention to attempts to challenge that freedom. Banned Books Week is especially ce