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National Voter Registration Day - Now's the Time to Make Sure You're Ready to Vote!

By Lisa Curtin

National Voter Registration Day is September 17th. Are you ready to vote?

On November 5th, elections will take place across the country where citizens can vote not only in the presidential election but also in congressional elections, state and local office elections, and on ballot measures. Don't wait - now is the time for you to make sure you’re ready to vote. Here’s how you can get prepared:


On Display: Democracy 101: American Elections and How They Work

By Katie Leahy

Welcome to primary season!  

While Election Day isn’t until November 3rd, the election process starts much earlier. On February 3rd, the first of the party primary elections and caucuses kicked off in Iowa. Other states will be holding their party primaries throughout the spring. Massachusetts primary voters will be heading to the polls on Super Tuesday – March 3rd.  


National Voter Registration Day - Make Your Voice Count!

By Lisa Curtin

Today is National Voter Registration Day! The last day to register to vote in Massachusetts for the upcoming November election is October 17. You can register to vote online, by mail, or in-person. To find voter registration information for your home state please visit's "How to Vote" site. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make your voice count.


New Research Guide: American Political Elections

By Katie Leahy

American Flag Election Day 2016 is fast approaching!  A new guide from the library “American Political Elections” not only provides information on elections in the United States but also highlights Presidential Election 2016 resources that can help you keep up to date until you cast your vote on November 8th. Find information such as:


Get Informed! Resources for Voters

By Liz Galoozis

Vote!The 2012 elections are coming up fast, and there are a lot of races on the ballots of all states - not just the presidential one. Arm yourself with the best information from library resources and the web with our Election Resources Research Guide. It includes voter information (including specific information for Massachusetts voters*), and the best places to get nonpartisan and bipartisan information. Check it out before you go to the polls!


Get Informed: Library and Online Resources for Voters

By Liz Galoozis
Get the facts about the upcoming midterm elections with voter information, political books, and more. ...
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