Now showing in the McGladrey Art Gallery is an exhibit created by Bentley University students and staff entitled Making Visible the Invisible: Library Data Transformed. This exhibit features visualizations of library-related data created by Bentley Library and ATC staff members, as well as students Robyn Dion, Eric Kennedy and Nikki Nguyen.
...Please join us on Wednesday, October 23, for the fourth event in the Bentley Library Information Literacy Series, "Lightning Talks About Big Data: Making Sense Out of Massive Amounts of Information." Bentley faculty and alumni will present focused talks of 5-7 minutes on how they make sense out of big data in their disciplines. Join us in the library’s Art Gallery during the following times.
3:00-3:35: Lightning Talks Round 1:
...[Update - 1:42 p.m., October 4, 2013]: The "Encore" search feature has been fixed. You can once again use the search box on our homepage to search the library's catalog and article databases. The search box on the library's home page (a.k.a. "Encore") is not functioning properly. Searches performed using Encore fail to retrieve any items from the library's catalog, which includes books, DVDs, streaming films and eBooks.