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Faculty Resources

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Faculty Resources


Verification of Participation 

Students are expected to be on campus and participating in classes beginning on the first day of each term. In compliance with federal guidelines, students who do not attend or engage academically in any courses during the first week of class will be designated as a “no show” and will be dropped from all courses. 

  • Instructors must specify their expectations for attendance and engagement in their syllabus.
  • To comply with federal regulations, we will verify student engagement at the beginning of the every term. Instructors will use the Qwickly Attendance tool in Brightspace during the first week of classes to record engagement after your class's final session. This is mandatory, and not optional. 
    Here are some tutorial videos:
  • Students who don't attend or engage in all of their registered classes during the first week will be dropped for non-participation.
Instructors must submit a grade for ALL students. Incomplete grades should ONLY be assigned when a student is unable to complete coursework due to unforeseen circumstances at the end of the term. Otherwise, assign the grade the student has earned.

Final Grading

Final grading is a critical part of the academic process, ensuring that students receive timely, accurate, and fair assessments of their performance. Submitting grades within 72 hours after the final exam or the last class meeting helps maintain academic integrity, supports timely graduation processes, and ensures students can access their final grades promptly for future planning. This prompt grading timeline also supports institutional reporting requirements.

If you're a faculty member looking for the exam schedule, please visit the Registrar's page here and refer to the Exam Schedule section.


Last Day to Submit Final Grades (12 Week Online Aysnchronous Courses)

April 24, 2025

  • days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds
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If you have any questions regarding SETs, please contact Tanja Macaris at