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U.S. On Verge of 'Digital Experience Addiction Epidemic,' Professor Warns

Professor Pierre Berthon cautions us about the societal wide attachment we have to our smart devices.

NBA-China Rift Could Hit Players Where It Hurts: Their Wallets

Senior Lecturer Steven Weisman quantifies the funds the NBA receives from China and explains the impact of that money.

Don't Let Imposter Syndrome Bring You Down

Psychology and Management Professor Aaron Nurick says owning your mistakes can lead to opportunities for personal growth and peer respect.

Colleges Can Lead On Climate Change

Bentley University's Multipurpose Arena is commended for its sustainability and LEED Platinum certification, which is the highest possible energy efficiency rating by the US Green Building Council. 

Brave, Strong & Happy: Holliston Boy Shows Everyone Around Him How To Deal With Diagnosis

CBS Boston |

Bentley Police Officer Ryan Haney transports 3-year-old cancer patient Declan Vail to and from his treatments at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. 

Amid Expansion, Steward Health Care System Reports Losses

Boston Globe |

Finance Professor Kristina Minnick explains why Steward Health Care System's financial losses and debt levels are concerning.

Vaping and a Culture that Substitutes One Risk for Another

Professor of Economics Dhaval Dave has been researching vaping usage and suggests that there may be economic reasons for the surge in vaping.

Climate Change Matters: How New England Is Being Impacted By Our Changing Climate

Fox 25 |

Global Studies Professor Robert DeLeo discusses how traditional voting patterns impact the environment during this one hour special program.

Why Spain is Having Yet Another Election


Global Studies Department Chair Bonnie Field comments on expected turnout for Spain's latest election. 

Millennial Management Troubles?

Thrive Global |

The Center For Women and Business reports that, in order to work at optimal levels, millenials want to work with coaches, not bosses.