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ProQuest Database Maintenance: Planned Outage July 24-25

By Katie Leahy

ProQuest databases will be unavailable starting at 10:00 pm (Eastern Time) on Saturday, July 24 until 8:00 am on Sunday, July 25 for scheduled maintenance.

See the announcement from ProQuest for more details.

Please visit our list of Bentley-subscribed ProQuest databases which may be impacted as part of this outage.


ProQuest Ebook Central: Planned Outage Saturday, June 26

By Lisa Curtin

ProQuest has announced a planned maintenance window for the Ebook Central platform on Saturday, June 26. Ebook Central will be offline and ebooks will be unavailable from 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) until 6:00 p.m. on June 26.

Please consider downloading books or chapters in advance of the outage. If you have questions or need assistance please contact the Reference Desk.


ProQuest Database Maintenance: Planned Outage Jan. 30 - 31

By Katie Leahy

ProQuest databases will be unavailable starting at 10:00 pm (Eastern Time) on Saturday, January 30 until 6:00 am on Sunday, January 31 for scheduled maintenance.

See the announcement from ProQuest for more details.

Please visit our list of Bentley-subscribed ProQuest databases which may be impacted as part of this outage.


Database Downtime Alert! ProQuest & RefWorks Offline at 10pm Sat. 1/27

By Lisa Curtin
All ProQuest databases, RefWorks, and Ancestry Library will be offline for product upgrades from 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 27 until 6:00 a.m. Sunday, January 28, 2018 (EST). Please contact the Reference Desk at 781.891.2300 or if you have questions or need assistance. ...

Database Outage Alert! ProQuest & RefWorks Offline, 10pm Sat. 8/20

By Lisa Curtin

Please note that all ProQuest databases and RefWorks will be offline for maintenance from 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 20 until 6:00 a.m. Sunday, August 21. 



Database of the Month: The New ProQuest Platform

By Stephen Tracey

This month ProQuest is debuting a new platform for the 30+ ProQuest databases to which the Bentley Library subscribes.   This new platform allows the Bentley Library to create unique subject specific databases that best reflect the research needs of the Bentley community.  Databases such as the Worldwide Political Science Abstracts have also been moved to ProQuest from the CSA platform,  allowing users to search more resources with a common platform.

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