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14 days

Our Turn: Library Responds to 14 Days to Have Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin

The staff of the Bentley Library thanks everyone who submitted their comments, suggestions, criticisms, and compliments during the most recent installment of the 14 Days to Have Your Say! blog.  Now that everyone has “had their say”, we’ll address those issues that arose most frequently (though be assured that we read closely every comment made!).


Thank You for Having Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin

The Bentley Library would like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute their feedback and suggestions to the 14 Days to Have Your Say! blog. Between October 10 and October 23 we recorded 3,078 blog views and logged ­­­73 posts and 28 comments. You gave us much to consider, and over the next couple of weeks we will be reviewing what everyone had to say. Stay tuned....we promise to post our responses as soon as we possibly can.


Time for Another Round of 14 Days to Have Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin

14 Days to Have Your Say!
Wednesday, October 10 - Tuesday, October 23

It's Time to Tell Us What’s on Your Mind.


Our Turn: The Library Responds to 14 Days to Have Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin

Our response to the 14 Days to Have Your Say blog:

The staff of the Bentley Library thanks everyone who submitted their comments, suggestions, criticisms, and compliments during the most recent installment of the 14 Days to Have Your Say blog (March 16 – March 29, 2010).


Thank You for Participating in 14 Days to Have Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin
Between March 16 and March 29 we recorded 5,275 blog views and logged 103 posts and 70 comments. You gave us much to consider...stay tuned for our responses. ...

Today is the Final Day to Have Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin
14 Days to Have Your Say! ends TODAY, Monday, March 29. Go to to tell us what's on your mind. ...

There are 7 More Days to Have Your Say! Take a Look at What People Have Been Saying.

By Lisa Curtin

Have you had your say yet?  What are you waiting for?  Tell us what's on your mind...

The Bentley Library’s 14 Days to Have Your Say! campaign will be ending on Monday, March 29.  Please, visit the blog and let us know what's on your mind... Thank you to those of you who have already voiced your concerns, made suggestions and paid us compliments!  Here’s a snapshot of the discussion thus far:


14 Days to Have Your Say!

By Lisa Curtin

14 Days to Have Your Say!
Tuesday, March 16 – Monday, March 29

Now's Your Chance to Tell the Bentley Library What’s On Your Mind.

Subscribe to 14 days