The Center for Languages and International Collaboration (CLIC) seeks to enhance course curricula in Modern Languages and International Studies by providing space for cultural activities and exchange, through the use of language-learning technology and the organization of multicultural events.
Live video and computer conferencing and access to international satellite broadcasting are some of the technical resources available at the center that make authentic exposure to language, countries, and cultures possible. The CLIC staff, composed of undergraduate Bentley students who speak two or more languages, are essential in creating multiple opportunities to expose their peers to both linguistic and cultural diversity, and in doing so, they continue to build the global perspective within the Bentley community.
Our Mission:
CLIC is a multipurpose collaborative space that fosters communication across languages and cultures. The Center offers learning opportunities for students majoring in Language Culture and Business and/or minoring in foreign languages by providing real life cultural exchanges to our students.
Our Vision:
To become a state-of-the-art technology and culture hub at Bentley University where students, faculty, and staff connect, experiment, create, learn, and discover through multilingual interactions. CLIC will help lead efforts in offering Virtual Reality (VR) experiences to anyone on campus who is interested in foreign languages and culture.
Location: AAC 162; Center Number: 781.891.2019