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Bentley recognizes its faculty, staff and student awards and honors.
  • Bentley's University Police Department has been recommended to receive “state certification” by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC).

  • Professor of Global Studies Joni Seager’s Penguin Atlas of Women in the World is featured in a special touring exhibit at the Boston Public Library on women in cartography.  
  • Mark Frydenberg, senior lecturer of Computer Information Systems and director of the CIS Sandbox, received a Meritorious Paper award at the EDISGCon Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education for his paper, “Game Development as a Pathway to Information Technology Literacy,” in Wilmington N.C.
  • Kathryn Mastromarino ’16, Alice Lin ’17, Michael Liotti ’16, Sal Visali ’16, Dan Reeves ’15, Matt Zeglen ’17, Amanda Pine ’16, Aizhan Uzakova ’15, Michael Acampora ’17 and Brian Levine ’16 won the College Fed Challenge regional competition in Boston on November 6. The team will travel to Washington DC to compete in the national competition on December 2.
  • Economics Professor Dhaval Dave accompanied Jade Scangarello ’15, Dane Solberg ’15, Abigail Davis ’15, Brianna Lassy ’15 and Aaron Pinet ’15 to the 80th International Atlantic Economic Conference in Boston where they presented papers from their honors capstone projects.
  • Associate Professor of Management Donna Blancero received two awards: the Diversity Educator Award on behalf of the National Black MBA Boston Chapter and the 2015 Brillante Award for Education Excellence from the National Society of Hispanic MBAS (NSHMBA). In addition, Blancero’s work with the PhD Project committee was selected by the White House Initiative on Hispanic Excellence in Education for its Commitment to Action: The PhD Project Postsecondary Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.
  • Taisha Troncoso ’16 and Doreen Almehdar ’16 received honorable mentions at The Northeast Regional Model Arab League at Northeastern University. Troncoso and Almehdar joined nine other Bentley students in the two-day program that included debates, discussions and resolution writing.
  • Santiago Rada ’16 received a CO-OP position at Credit Suisse’s New York offices after outperforming at the HOLT Valuation Challenge, a semi-annual iteration with Credit Suisse to kick-start students’ career in the investment banking industry. 
  • Bentley’s Honors Program newsletter, Columnas, received 1st place in the National Collegiate Honors Council’s newsletter contest. Economics Professor Aaron Jackson, Global Studies Professor Jeff Gulati and Modern Languages Professor Christian Rubio will receive the award at the NCHC national conference in Chicago.
  • Associate Professor of Management Diane Kellogg is the first recipient of the friend of Africa Award, presented at the annual African Women of Excellence Awards Gala in New York City. Kellogg was recognized for her leadership and commitment to cultural and gender empowerment since 2006, when she founded The Ghana Project at Bentley. The African Women of Excellence Awards are sponsored by the African Union/ Diaspora Africa Forum and supported by the United Nations Global Compact.