Try Something New! Checkout our Cookbooks
July 29, 2020
Ready to try something new on your menu? We have got you covered with an online display of cookbooks for you to devour.
Try a new or spice up an old recipe. Pair one with a movie for date night or dinner with the family. Learn a little about other regions, countries or cultures by experiencing different cuisines. Recipes of all types are represented from the traditional to the exotic.
Download the free OverDrive app on your device to view the titles, or borrow them directly from the OverDrive Downloadable Books database and choose the OverDrive Read format to view them in a web browser.
In addition, the Library's physical collection of cookbooks is now available with Contactless Pick-up. Did you know you can virtually browse the physical collection online?
- Search for a title in our library's catalog.
- On the results page, click on the title to view the full record (See below).
- In the Items area, click on the hyperlinked Call No. to launch the virtual Browse. (See above image).
By checking out this content, we hope you are inspired to create something great.
Need help with Overdrive or with accessing our physical collection? Please contact us for assistance. We are happy to help.