Introducing Free Online Access to NYTimes.com
October 26, 2016
We are excited to announce that current Bentley University students, faculty and staff members now have full complimentary access to NYTimes.com and NYT mobile apps, as well as their international editions, thanks to the library's new subscription to NYTimes.com Group Pass.*
New users activate your Pass for free access to NYTimes.com:
While connected to the Bentley network (on-campus), visit the NYTimes.com Group Pass Account Activation page and follow the registration instructions. You have successfully claimed a Pass when you see the Start Your Access screen. You must be on-campus to create your account, but once it has been activated you can access NYTimes.com from any location.
Returning users:
Once you have activated your account, login to NYTimes.com from any location. Mobile Apps: Visit nytimes.com/mobile to download your free NYT apps.
More Information & Help:
More information about the library's NYTimes.com Group Pass is available at https://libguides.bentley.edu/NYTimes. Please email, call 781.891.2300 or visit the Reference Desk if you have questions or experience registration problems.
* Note that Group Pass does not include e-reader editions, Premium Crosswords, Times Insider or The New York Times Crosswords apps. Access to archived articles within the date range 1923-1980 is limited to 5 articles per day, but Bentley users also have full, unlimited access to The New York Times articles from this time period via the New York Times Historical database (ProQuest).