Database of the Month: Best's Library Center
March 25, 2020
Best's Library Center provides in-depth reports and analysis for United States, Canadian and international insurers, reinsurers, and groups.
Searching and Viewing Reports
From the Bentley Library Databases A-Z page, use the Best's Library Center link to access the database. The database offers multiple ways to search, including clicking the report buttons (shown above), or by hovering on the page's blue Navigation bar to choose a search. Some of the navigation bar searches are highlighted below:
- Access Best's Credit Reports and Financial Reports quickly by using the Insurance Reports page. The global organization structures presented on this page include ultimate parents, rating units and their rated operating entities. Best's Credit Reports feature five years of financial analysis and detailed commentary on a company's operating methods and management philosophy.
- Use the Company Browse feature to search for companies based on geographic location, industry or segment.
- Search Company Overview (Basic Search) and view features such as a dashboard for each company, key financial information at a glance, ratings, and related news headlines.
- Use the Corporate Changes Search to find changes that impact existing companies and locate insurers associated with companies no longer in business.
- Use the Officers and Directors Search to locate companies based on management information.
- Access the Mergers & Acquisitions Search to retrieve details of transactions involving insurance companies.
Alternately, users can type a company name in the search box located in the upper left corner of the home page to get a dashboard view of all available information on that company.
Sample dashboard view for State Farm Group, with tabs containing available information
Country Risk Reports
The database also includes Country Risk Reports detailing country-specific factors that could adversely affect an insurer's ability to meet its financial obligations. Countries are placed into one of five tiers, ranging from Country Risk Tier 1 (CRT-1), denoting a stable environment with the least amount of risk, to Country Risk Tier 5 (CRT-5) for countries that pose the most risk and, therefore, the greatest challenge to an insurer's financial stability, strength and performance. Users can view all countries or groups of countries by tier.
Get Help/Support
Click the Quick Tips PDF links located on each search page for context-specific help, or the Help link in the upper right corner of the home page for an overview of database features and search functionality. If you prefer, Bentley librarians can assist you. See our Bentley Library Research Help page for details.
Connect to the Database
Please visit our Databases A-Z page and click Best's Library Center to begin your search (after agreeing to the User Terms and Conditions). This database can also be viewed in the Analyst Opinion, Company Profiles, Country Research, and International Business subject lists on the A-Z page. For best results, use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Browser cookies must be enabled for searches to function.
Database of the Month provides a very brief introduction to useful library databases, highlighting key features you should know about. If you would like more information about this resource (or any of the library’s databases), please contact us for research assistance. If you would like a demonstration of these resources for a class, please schedule a research instruction class using the instruction request form.