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Americans don’t trust the way businesses use AI - yet

77% of Americans don’t trust businesses to use AI responsibly but 57% say they’d be less concerned if businesses were transparent about how they use it

What can businesses do to reduce Americans’ concerns about artificial intelligence?

Bar Chart - What can businesses do to reduce Americans’ concerns about artificial intelligence?

"These findings highlight the skepticism of many Americans towards businesses’ use of AI. They also suggest that AI transparency is critical — not only for ethical reasons but because it could play a key role in alleviating stakeholder concerns." 

Mareike Möhlmann
Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems
Bentley University

"It’s natural for consumers to question how companies use AI, as research has shown the algorithms underlying these technologies can perpetuate bias and discrimination. Businesses that address this concern by transparently communicating their AI policies are more likely to be perceived as trustworthy — and be rewarded by customers’ loyalty."

Marco Marabelli 
Professor of Computer Information Systems and Associate Director of the Hoffman Center for Business Ethics
Bentley University

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect U.S. Jobs?

75% of Americans say AI will reduce the total number of jobs in the country over the next 10 years, according to a new article based on the Bentley-Gallup survey results.

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Woman using AI on phone

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