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Positioning and Partnerships

Strategic Priority 4

In a world characterized by unprecedented levels of complexity, uncertainty and persistent acceleration, as well as profound inequities that impact the human experience in all corners of the globe, the decade ahead will be defined by the ethical, innovative, inclusive, cooperative businesses and leaders who can address the consequential challenges of our time. This is what Bentley was founded on in 1917, and to this day it defines who we are.

For more than a century this institution has shown an ability to meet the moment by adapting to a changing world, aligning our core offerings with emerging business needs, identifying the marketplace of tomorrow, and developing new and adjacent opportunities for our learners to thrive. The world needs Bentley graduates, and we must continue to deliver on our century-long promise of developing successful business leaders by both enhancing our existing relationships and developing new ones with partners and diverse organizations of all kinds, providing mutually beneficial opportunities to engage with this institution in ways that unmistakably show the world who we are and why we exist. 

Committee Members

Suzanne Dove (co-chair) — Associate Vice President, Product Design and Global Partnerships / Executive Director of the Badavas Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Danielle Hartigan (co-chair) — Associate Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences
Jill Brown — Professor, Management 
Rebecca Burstein — Director, Brand and Creative Services
Glisery Colon — Director, Graduate Admission
Mateo Cruz — Assistant Professor, Management
Steve DelVecchio ’81 — Trustee
Janet Ehl — Executive Director, Pulsifer Career Development Center
Yaro Fong-Olivares — Executive Director, Gloria Cordes Larson Center for Women and Business
Joy Gray, PhD 16 — Senior Lecturer, Accounting
Bill Gribbons — Professor, Experience Design
Chris Joyce — Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Lucy Kimball — Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Sophie Rodgers ’20 — Senior Manager, Sustainability
Mario Silva-Rosa — Director, Undergraduate Admission
Dave Szymanski — Associate Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences
Tiffany R. Warren ’97 — Trustee
Betsy Whipple — Associate Vice President, Capital Fundraising and Leadership Giving